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Athens Marathon Testimonial
by Stephanie Costi

Stephanie Costihi matt!
this is stephanie costi....i'm the marathon runner from los angeles, california...i met you at the hotel attolos....i just thought i'd give you an overall summary of the experience of participating in the athens marathon, 2003.
i'd like to start off by saying that the overall experience was incredible based on the actual history of the marathon, the history of the course, and the awesome finale in the old olympic would have to know something about the history of the making of the marathon to appreciate the athens marathon fully. knowing that you are running the original course of phidipides is quite thrilling!
regarding the organizational aspects.....the marathon expo (the day before the event) was quiet, not alot of energy, not much help from the volunteers/staff, no vendors displaying running apparel/goods, not much action! usually these expos are big events!
the buses transporting the runners 26.2 miles out of town to the city of marathon....was pretty organized.
the actual course was extremely challenging! alot of gradual hill inclines, heat and humidity! i would recommend to any runner preparing to run this marathon, that they hill train before this race....would definately be beneficial!
along the course there was not many portable restrooms....they need to furnish more! there were no small foods along the course, or at the finish (bananas, raisins, candies, etc.)runners need sugar! my biggest biff about this marathon is the chasing around to find out if photos were taken of the runners....and how to view them and order them! there was no information/direction or contacts in regard to the marathon photos.....and i'm still getting no response....i traveled too far to run this would be nice to have a photo! this issue is still pending!
the pain and sufferring in running this brutal course was well worth it after experiencing the finish of the race in the old olympic's a real tear jerker!
overall....the historical background of this marathon is too amazing to overlook.....all of the small, negative things about this race.....really become trivial!
i would recommend this race to all avid marathon runners....just be sure to be well trained for this one!
i hope this is good information for you and your web site! by the way, we all enjoyed our stay at the hotel attolos...thank you for the recommendation! i'd like to check this testimonial out if you end up putting it on your web site....let me know where i can view it!
stephanie costi
los angeles, california

PS. i read your write up on the marathon.....excellent! i love the fact that you referred to the heroes of the race as common people with an extreme goal and passion. now that the race is over....i can appreciate it so much more! it's one of the best marathons i've participated in, so far!

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